
A 92-year-old woman in the field, in Huagangguanyu play, carrying the man accidentally fell into the lake wheelchair. Fortunately, her daughter Peng sister plunged into the lake and rescued her.
Old man choked a few saliva. Sister Peng gave his whole body wet,http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw, to help the elderly to buy new clothes. Granddaughter said her mother took my grandmother has traveled to Beijing, Shanghai and Hainan. Three generations, the family living in harmony. Surprisingly, Peng Sister told me softly, her daughter is.
On this day, my heart is warm.
Today is Mother's Day, I think this family is the best gift for the elderly receive.
Daughter jumped into the lake,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001010966.html, the old man pulled ashore
Walked into a room to rescue the Provincial Hospital, an eight-year-old girl with arms open big, bright eyes,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/spark-inc/kit-70wu-d2c-410.html, stopped me to say, my grandmother at rest, declined disturb.
Girl named obsessed, while 2-year-old sister to take care of while talking to me. Because Grandma's clothes are wet,http://antisociality2.rssing.com/chan-1970278/all_p3.html, their mother was busy to go to the grandmother to buy new clothes.
Old man named Wang Yufen, 92 years old, Henan Luohe. Hangzhou yesterday, accompanied by her daughter and two granddaughters play in the. This is the first time the old man to Hangzhou.
Yuehua Jian, a middle-aged woman with short hair, covered in wet, she refused to take himself, carrying a bag of clothing Hastening. She is the daughter of the elderly.
Peng sister said, she took her mother and two daughters, April 29 departure, followed by the tour has gone to Suzhou, Shanghai,http://libds.tamagawa.ac.jp, Hangzhou is the last stop. They originally planned to read Huagangguanyu,http://hongakuji.moo.jp/poti/anpontan11/anpontan.cgi, go to Temple Pagoda.
12:00 more, the old man in a wheelchair watching Huagangguanyu peacock, it began to rain. Peng Sister turned to find a backpack umbrella, turned around, the elderly and wheelchair rushed toward the edge of the Wu Tong, both man and the car fell into the lake.
Hangzhou yesterday,extension capelli lisci, a slight chill, the elderly struggling motions on others in the lake, and soon there are three meters far offshore. Peng sister plunged into the lake, took the old man's arm to shore tour. Two male tourists ran for help, the old man quickly put ashore,tagli capelli corti, to the hospital.
Beijing, Shanghai and Hainan, daughter go with the elderly
I heard the old man 92 years old, and we all kind of worried.
Obsessed came and asked my grandmother hungry, the old man replied, quite loud: I'm not hungry, just got a little sore, a little stuffy chest.
Old man has been refreshed. Loud, and not afraid of life, stop to chat with me.
Peng big sister just bought to give old clothes to wear. Elderly people are not happy, angry that this dress does not look good,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/red-one/mc-0067.html, not her favorite style, do not wear.
Sister Peng reluctantly smiled at us, the old man said to wear very particular.
You first put it, to warm, to be'll buy you nice. Peng Sister cajole the elderly, also went to the old man obsessed with the edge of a baby,http://cabbage-search.jp, old people wear nice.
Suddenly the old man told me a wink and said,diradamento capelli, I like to watch Korean dramas, where people dress very nice.
Obsessed with watching the busy Peng eldest sister, and I said quietly, just last year the New Year, because Henan cold, Peng Sister specifically with the elderly to Hainan for a month, a month rent money is 5000.
Beijing Olympic Games closing ceremony, the 60th anniversary of National Day military parade, as well as the Shanghai World Expo, Peng sister are with the elderly and two daughters visited.
Peng Sister whispered, my daughter is
"This time I will not die, it can live for several years." The old man smiled and we said.
Peng Sister busy to feed the elderly medicine,extension prezzi, smiled and said,extension cheveux, with the elderly walk around in the hope that her mood, health and longevity.
For a while, she said something softly, "I am a daughter, the old man I am a child."
Listen to this sentence I was startled, speechless for a long time.
I noticed, because Sister Peng save elderly, knee pants and scratched. But she had never spare dressing.
Leave the ward, I have been thinking, the elderly really happy.
I wish every mother a happy Mother's Day.


She said the amount of alcohol is far more than the seven halves Erguotou
21-year-old girl to lie down and nothing woke Xi'an
Night work too hard to drink wine drunk do not sit
Times reporter intern reporter Sun Jiali Huangzhao Yi Wen Times reporter Wang Zicheng photo
Times the weather is getting hot, Hangzhou night's wine business is getting better. But, yesterday morning a tragedy again remind you,moncler soldes, be sure to eat the night wine in moderation, otherwise it is not only easy to damage the health and may even lead to serious irreversible consequences.
The day before yesterday night,http://takanoriron.lomo.jp/cgi/topdiary/apeboard.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=32/ng/, a hotel west of Catering Executives Miss Tan, with 12 colleagues to eat midnight snack, a few large glass of white wine sinks, usually good drinker Miss Tan and another female colleague were discomfort reaction.
120 after being admitted to the hospital, Miss Tan died, another female colleague is still in hospital under observation.
Two girls in the morning emergency admission & nbsp; are drunk and vomiting trouble
Yesterday, 10:00, Palit Provincial Hospital emergency medicine doctors told us about Miss Tan Cheng and her colleagues condition.
"The two patients were drunk at 3:00,nike tn pas cher, 5:00 sent." Dr Cheng said, "I admissions to 5:00, is a 24-year-old young woman, surnamed Liu, there has been rescue wake up, but we found that patients with lung examination inhaled a lot of liquor and vomit, have symptoms of aspiration pneumonia, is presently in hospital under observation. "
Subsequently, Dr Cheng has reviewed the medical records of the deceased Miss Tan - Miss Tan to the hospital at about 3:00, when the heart rate, breathing has stopped nearly an hour, two hours after the announced rescue died. Doctors in the rescue found that a large amount of vomit in the mouth Miss Tan, Miss Tan is suspected because vomit choke into the trachea, causing suffocation tracheal blockage.
"Learn from their colleagues that two people are drinking more than half a catty high spirits." Dr Cheng said.
At present, the police have been involved in the investigation on the matter.
Her colleague about a drink to relieve boredom because lost iPhone4
Yesterday afternoon, we saw Miss Tan colleagues in the Xiangfu police station,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ichibankanshop/acd-20-110.html, had her working lifetime of the person in charge of Cao hotel, and several colleagues with drinking the night before. One female colleague had just finished transcripts, hand carrying a red rose and small, it is Miss Tan lifetime use.
Cao and his colleagues introduced, Miss Tan was 21 years old this year, Xi'an, though small and exquisite looks, but personality is very generous, always see people smiley face. Three months ago, the hotel early in the preparatory stage, Miss Tan had already joined catering department, as a result of a serious, strong affinity, she has been promoted to director of the hotel's restaurant.
A few days ago, Miss Tan iPhone4 phone is stolen, causing her mood a bit low.
"In the afternoon, she said, and I feel very depressed, want to find someone to go out to drink wine,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/uchiyama-sports/tea-powert-a.html, we decided to go out together after work to accompany her to eat after midnight snack, and later called the friends and colleagues more." Colleague Xiao Li (pseudonym )Say.
Semi-finished seventy-two Erguotou lie on your back and nothing to wake up
After more than 11 points the night before work, Miss Tan and his party of 13 people came to a chance acquaintance street stall near the abundance Tam eat midnight snack, after ordering a seat, Miss Tan in front of witnesses, brought out a wine vat.
"Wine is bought from outside Tan competent to food stalls, a bucket of about 10 pounds, 56 degrees Erguotou written on the label." Li said, "We are all over 20 year-olds, regardless of drink can not drink all down a little, drink a little more competent Tan,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=92&page=", pour three cups disposable cups, about 7 two and a half or so. "
More than an hour later, almost to eat supper, Miss Tan also brought a bucket of liquor drink only less than half (a total of about 7 pounds drink), then checked out the crowd.
"Everyone was drunk, but now they do not remember the clear." Li said, "came out, some people vomit, but no one drunk, all can go, so we will be scattered to go home."
Miss Tan usually their own rented out, but as the day drank some more, several of my colleagues do not trust her, and she will be brought to the food stalls near the company dormitory sober.
Yesterday 1:00 more, Miss Tan after being helped into quarters lie on your back and sleep in the past, my colleagues at first did not pay attention, until 2:00, when one of my colleagues have already found Miss Tan's face purple, several people quickly dialed 120, she was sent to the hospital.
Unfortunately, when Miss Tan's heart has stopped breathing for nearly an hour,http://wondrousjapanforever.cocolog-nifty.com, the doctor powerless.
Accustomed to her colleagues drinker drunk but this did not trouble
Li and several other colleagues in the eyes of Miss Tan although the appearance of small size, they are fundamentally a forthright and generous girl northwest privately often ask my colleagues go out drinking. A group of colleagues are doing catering origin, so the drinker are good, especially Miss Tan, it is no small matter.
A colleague describes, for the first time to go out drinking with Miss Tan, I saw her like water pouring down the same way more than 10 small bottles of beer bottles in the KTV, in case some people are drunk, has been sober she also took others to get enough to snack stalls continue to drink.
"One time my birthday, I respect her with liquor, one is a full cup." Another colleague recalled,http://sixsixsix.s90.xrea.com/cgi-bin/bbs/epad.cgi/mailto:ixlwsae@outlook.com, "In the beginning we have stopped her,air max 90,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/juraice/5012-2.html, but later after the drink a few times, you know she can drink but also stopped do not live, they always let her drink. "
In the opinion colleagues,tiffany bracciali, Miss Tan drinker is far more than seven and a half two liquor, "In fact, that evening she did not drink more than before, I do not know why this happened, and now can not accept her departure fact."
Miss Tan accidental death, so that friends and family are difficult to accept, more than yesterday, 7:00, her parents rushed to the scene after receiving the notice has been hurriedly Hangzhou.
Some drunken stumble someone cardiac arrest
Recently night old wine into the hospital many people
We learned from the major hospitals in Hangzhou, the recent night drinking old wine into the hospital large number of people.
"Excessive intake of alcohol, it is very dangerous!" Palit Provincial Hospital, Dr Cheng introduction, "In my admissions over the cases, because there are drunk loses body control, slip and other accidents occur; also appear drunk cardiac arrest; situations like this because the deceased vomit blocking the trachea caused by suffocation is not uncommon. "
Dr. Fang Second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical office also said that recently received drunken patients, or more, up to a night they received four or five such patients.
"These patients drunk basically sent over two time periods, one is 20:00 to 10:00 dinner time, there is a 12 to 1 o'clock supper time, these patients are unconscious drunk most are sent by family or friends, some just come to the hospital sobers up, but also some minor alcoholism, but serious enough to like Tam such as vomit blocking the trachea leading to cases of suffocation and did not happen. "
In a Zhejiang, a city and Red Cross and other hospital last month after 12 patients were taken to hospital a few sober, but mostly there is no danger, basically to sleep one night, the next day to the hospital.
Take care when drunk
Do not let him sit
Miss Tan with similar accidents, the Times also reported once before.
January 29 this year, after the New Year back to Riverside Puyan working Dalian Xue master invited to dinner by the landlord, the master Xue drank about six hundred seventy-two high spirits after Erie drunk, the landlord drank some coconut milk to feed him evacuation him back to the rest room, I did not expect supine rest Xue master vomit choke into the trachea, causing suffocation.
If people around because drunken vomit choke into the trachea choking how to do?
City Hospital emergency department doctor said Zhu Ge Limin,http://www.hsdch.pudong-edu.sh.cn/bbs/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1303&page=end/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1303&forumpage=1&onlyauthor=1, when drunk, vomiting,scarpe hogan outlet, should ensure that it is sideways or tummy, avoid sit-positive, leading to vomit choke into the trachea; if drunk people coma or persistent vomiting, should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
If the hospital is their own, and that the way to ensure that drunk lateral holding upside down position, escorts drunk to open his mouth, nose and mouth with your fingers to clear vomit. Also, do not be drunk in the head or body against the leg of the nursing staff, so as not to cause excessive head vomit into the trachea, but you want to place the head and body to maintain the level or lower position.
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Man stealing copper electrical shock killed,http://www.1beee.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=27751
Professionals speculate that there are accomplices of crime
Similar thefts have occurred more than
Yesterday morning,http://recit.cadre.qc.ca/~cmi/spip.php?article11,louboutin pas cher, reporters heard some rumors: "At midnight, the water is still there sometime heard 'bang' bang, it was reported that 110 of the"; "I heard someone stole street last night, is electrically dead." ; "seems to be the high-voltage electricity to die," ...... in the end this is how it happened?
Master Huang, the staff of Ningbo Municipal lighting management. January 11 morning, he was on duty. This, he was quite clear.
□ reporter Wang Ying
● Restore site
1:45 in the morning, the phone rang duty
1:45 am,scarpe hogan online, lighting management duty room phone rang, a 110 call. Phone said: Bay Bridge, past head of the city village street, there is a street dedicated power transformer a dead man.
Master Huang quickly made rush past. He speculated: the other side should be playing copper idea. Street lighting special transformers, main facilities there are transformers,piumini woolrich sito ufficiale, low voltage cabinet. Between the transformer and low voltage cabinet, connected by copper. Copper component is not small, very valuable. Last month, the street dedicated transformer Bund under the bridge where the copper was stolen more than 400, worth more than 30,000 yuan.
2:10 a man "hanging" in there
2:10 He rushed to the scene. A man "hanging" in there. Transformers about 1.2 meters tall, the man's feet "hanging" on the transformer, head down. He wore a jacket from dress to see,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/red-one/a2a3a4bda4.html, should be migrant workers.
Above ground, a mess. Littered with bags, rope,http://www.wao.or.jp/~haitaman/cgi/aska.cgi?mode=resmsgno=5511, a fitted jacket bag, there are a bunch of removal tools: pliers,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/cio/n0101300168.html, wrenches, blades, connection lines.
The police examination found that the deceased did not have any proof of identity. Alarm is near the area of security. At that time,nike tn pas cher, he heard a "bang" a loud noise. Master Huang estimated that this loud sound may be the sound of a short circuit was issued.
● speculate case
There should be associates, is a veteran
Master Huang after inspection found that there are 12 meters of copper had disappeared. He speculated: There should be accomplices,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/brandcouture/fred-polo-m3000.html, certainly more than one person. Associates found dead after the accident, fled in panic, and went away with the copper has been removed. The scene, the deceased was wearing jacket, the bag is also filled with another coat.
Ningbo Municipal Lighting management deputy director Wang Yong yesterday afternoon accepted the reporters. Master Huang He agreed on the dead "have accomplices" argument, and speculated --- "is a veteran, very professional."
Wang Yong think trying to steal copper to really understand circuit schematics can. Steal time, not cut off the power supply directly removed so simple. If the power is cut off,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001012963.html, the lights went out,moncler outlet italia, past the driver will call to duty, the perpetrator may be immediately exposed. Thus, high technical difficulty crime tactics, certainly not an hour finish.
● Further reading
Wang Yong of the table, have a stolen facilities tables. He pulled a stolen list of the year 2010,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001119675.html, it is shocking, for a total loss of more than 1.27 million yuan.
Wang Yong reluctantly said: For the benefit of, and now some people steal lighting, more and more rampant. Wang Yong appeal: If you see someone in the theft of public lighting facilities, please call 24 hours duty phone: 87476009.


[ "It took a whole day to close straw, but also to pay to rent a car,http://www.aihoku.net/cgi-local/aska/aska.cgi/%25255Burl=http:/uminomegumi.com/ugly.html,chaussures louboutin,http://www.astro.com/cgi/aq.cgi, go to the county biomass power plants, only gave me 50 bucks, really not as good a match to solve the problem."]
From May 1 this year,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/spark-inc/kit-35wu-d2c-393.html, Hubei Province administrative area will be a total ban on open burning of straw, 2020, straw comprehensive utilization strive to achieve more than 95%. February 1 afternoon, the Third Session of the Twelfth Hubei Province People's Congress voted overwhelmingly passed the "Conference of Hubei Provincial People's Congress on straw and comprehensive utilization of open-air Jinshao" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"). In the future, the province at all levels of government will ban the burning of straw as the main responsibility of establishing the responsibility of governance, and other measures of assessment mechanism to ensure that "decision" to implement.
However, "First Financial Daily" correspondent interviewed several trips to the fields found,http://kiyop.com/cgi/kiyop_bs/yybbs.cgi, whether it is recycled or straw chopper, the enthusiasm of farmers is not high, the reason is the cost of farmers reluctant government departments from top to bottom without the corresponding supporting subsidies.
"It took a whole day to close straw, but also to pay to rent a car, go to the county biomass power plants, only gave me 50 bucks, really not as good a match to solve the problem." A farmer Songzi told reporters, breaking land will increase the cost of 10 yuan / mu or so, "the installation of agricultural chopping device,hogan outlet, mechanical load increases, increased fuel consumption, reduce operating efficiency, we do not want to install the device."
Hubei "two sessions" during the year, many on behalf of members suggested that prohibits open burning of straw, the key is to implement the "Yijiangdaibu" policies to improve the enthusiasm of farmers. Currently, the Hubei government financial arrangements at all levels have millions of dollars every year prohibiting the funding, but the straw Jinshao covers a very broad money is still insufficient.
Hubei annual output of 30 million tons of straw
Hubei Provincial People's Congress deputy secretary-general Tengxin Yao said,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/cio/n0105600002.html, a major agricultural province of Hubei, with an annual output 30 million tons of straw,air max 90, straw remaining amount being increased year by year, a large number of straw resources are not fully utilized, a considerable part of the straw is burned. Hubei special terrain, surrounded by mountains, is not conducive to dust, haze spread, after the straw burning, a large area and continuous air pollution phenomenon.
Hubei Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau deputy director Zhou Xin Xin mentioned that monitoring results show that rural straw burning is one of the main causes of air pollution in Hubei particularly serious haze.
Dongbao District Jingmen City mayor Kong Zhiyong referred to a set of data: the region produces 248,000 tons of straw every year, 30% of the spot to field, 10 percent of farmers as livestock feed, 20% of industrial raw materials, raw materials and other comprehensive utilization of biogas , 40% were still burning, burning straw total 9.92 million tons. He said, according to the soot produced 37.6 kilograms, 0.51 kilograms of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides 1.02 kg per ton calculated only Dongbao straw combustion will produce smoke and dust 3729.92 tons per year, 50.59 tons of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides 101.18 tons.
Moreover, straw burning also affects road traffic and aviation safety. Reporters had to drive with the harvest season in Jingzhou area, high-speed Yihuang seen everywhere along the ignition, village smoke, visibility less than 10 meters high speed on the highway only at low speed.
In addition, the burning of straw also increase soil compaction. Hubei Provincial Department of Agriculture total agronomist Deng Mikio said straw burning into the earth-thirds of surface microorganisms were burned, humus, organic matter is mineralization, field burning of straw destroy the balance of this biological system, changing the physical properties of the soil , increased soil compaction,hogan outlet, threatening sustainable development of agriculture.
However, according to the nutritional value of the estimated four tons of straw equivalent to one tonne of grain,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/menscasual/s-pants-31-menscasual.html, according to the calorific value estimated two tons of standard coal equivalent to one tonne of straw, straw nitrogen content of 0.88%, 0.35% phosphorus content, this is a rare organic fertilizers.
Turning waste into treasure, not only can ease the resource constraints, stable agricultural ecological balance, but also to promote farmers increase production. Hubei to the "decision" in the form of a total ban on open burning of straw, "comprehensive measures to promote the use ban" to promote the use of straw for fertilizer, raw material of the base material of the feed of fuel technology.
How to ban farmers live fire?
"There is no garbage, only misplaced resources place." Environmental advocates always explain the role of recycling.
Put straw utilization industrial chain to do it, the first step is to solve farmers' worries.
In 2014, Jingzhou City, the first launch of straw "Jinshao." After Jinshao, ground straw to be cut, crushed or packaged and then transported to the periphery of the labor organization trash. According to local farmers reflect the straw from the ground to the Recycle Bin will increase costs, but there is no corresponding supporting subsidies.
"It took a whole day to close straw, but also to pay to rent a car, go to the county biomass power plants, only gave me 50 bucks, really not as good a match to solve the problem." Last June, reporters in when Songzi interviews, some complained about a farmer. Many local farmers, and they sell straw motivated by straw purchase price is higher than the cost of time to deal with these straw, if the price is not worthwhile, it was better than burning it off.
Farmers need a cost-effective trading,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/waiwai/lov-10b-4d.html.
Has been the main force in the recovery of straw or the use of the body, such as biomass power plants and sheet production enterprises, leading to the acquisition of underpricing their enthusiasm is not high.
The Offeror also difficulties. Staff Jiangling Kaidi Biomass Power Plant, an official told reporters the acquisition of straw, 1 Baler 1 day 10 hours, bundling 120 acres, yield 30 tons of straw. Transported to the power plant 240 yuan / ton, can sell 7200 yuan. But 30 tons to 8 vehicle transport, shipping will only 8,000 yuan. It also asked people not to move the car from the fields of labor, not farm hands who one day wage of 3,000 yuan.
For the acquirer, the balance of payments is difficult to balance, make money, no one dry.
To resolve these contradictions, Jingzhou City and district levels, invested a total of nearly 20 million yuan to carry out straw Jinshao work during the summer and fall Jinshao, do not burn straw farmers receive 10 yuan subsidy per acre on a quarterly basis, the installation of the cutting device harvesters available each installation cost 30% subsidy. Meanwhile, the government also on the scale of processing more than 10,000 tons per year in the implementation of straw purchasing and storage station incentives to build a prize 20 million, 10 million reward each year after operating standards.
Under the rewards, there is still little response. Baling New Town Village Group 2 Xin Ya straw purchasing and processing cooperatives in 2012 invested more than 100 million yuan to build. To mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, the boss Li Yun year to 300 yuan / ton high, collected 3000 tons of straw, a loss of 10 million; the second year of 250 yuan / ton to close at 6,000 tonnes, just guaranteed. Even with government subsidies last year, it is only a slight profit. Li Yun said that this investment is not low, long payback period, also faces the acquisition amount is less than the risk of the sale of 10,000 tons can not get financial subsidies, who would rush to invest?
Contradiction is still fermenting, straw Jinshao can bear fruit? Local officials also have their own ideas. Kong Zhiyong recommendations should increase the recycling operations straw mechanical superposition of local financial subsidy standards, improve farmers Jinshao straw, straw comprehensive utilization of enthusiasm, so that farmers "Xi stalk do not burn."
Songzi City Mayor Li Heng believe, increase the land transfer,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/gion/202blackmax.html, promote large-scale production,air max pas cher, so that the straw collection, comprehensive utilization of straw to field practice operational. "If the farmers agricultural land leased to large concentration of cultivation, the work is no longer a Jinshao every household, but directly grower, rural cooperatives or against."
Heng said that with straw, for example, crushed straw, deep plowing land and other agricultural needs protection only under large-scale agricultural conditions can be guaranteed for each household twenty-three acres of land of farmers scattered, the straw may promote sex minimal.
(Original title: Who pays the bill prohibiting the straw processing costs?)


Most of the new air defense building have sold two parking spaces. Wang Hongbin photo
"To Xinjiekou shopping, parking light will have to wait more than an hour." With the development of long-standing problem of the city of Nanjing, Xinjiekou parking area gradually became a puzzling. So, some people began playing underground civil air defense projects "idea." Recently, some members of the public to the newspaper broke the news hotline in Hongwu road most of the new building, someone privately underground civil air defense projects to sell as parking spaces,piumini woolrich outlet, 12 parking spaces for each offer 30 million,http://www.jjj555.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=96346, it has now sold 2 .
Ground 300,000 parking spaces, machinery spaces 98000
After receiving public broke the news, reporters arrived at the Hongwu road most of the new building, found in some floor elevator close this leaflet: Good news,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/spark-inc/kit-65w-hb3-49.html, now most of the new Trade Co., Ltd., Jiangsu (Jiangsu Xindadu Ltd) the original home company underground garage (machinery spaces) the right to use the transfer. Parking price: 98,000 yuan. Spaces are limited, a rare opportunity, MISS.
The reporter then went to the second floor of the parking building negative, to see the machinery spaces hosting the Games. "Dude, really small parking lot of a lot of parked vehicles." It turned out that the number of parking spaces to play to the maximum limit, where the parking lot full use of floor space, with the help of machinery and equipment will be divided Parking upper and lower levels, so that the number of parking doubled. So the people broke the news of civil air defense projects parking there? Reporters noted that in the mechanical parking lot opposite the ground still parked cars, the strange thing is,http://xia.mods.jp/cgi-bin/ph/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=789/, every parking are mounted beneath locked, it appears to be to prevent other vehicles Luantingluanfang. At Reporters wondered when reporters looked suddenly discovered that identifies some air defense projects in machinery spaces opposite wall.
While reporters looked around, a master of the underground car park there. "This parking How much?" Asked the reporter. "Ground underground parking spaces within 300 000, 90 008 machines there, but need to remind you, here is a parking ground air defense projects." Lordy, a parking space so expensive! "If too expensive, you can negotiate the price and leadership." When he finished he immediately took out the phone ready to contact the seller. Seeing this, the reporter overpriced refused him. Then the reporter asked: "There are a few parking spaces on the ground?" "12,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/brandcouture/u-5171.html, has now sold two" Master replied. Sure enough, in the sale of parking spaces, the reporter saw the wall where two parking spaces have been labeled the license plate number of the vehicle to which it belongs.
Astronomical parking how no title certificate
In subsequent interviews with the owners,http://learn.mh2tvu.com/jdbbs/showtopic-104444.aspx, the reporter learned, it has sold two parking spaces are 250,000 yuan turnover, taking into account the building more vehicles, the other 10 day rental of parking spaces for sale to the owners as a temporary parking spots at night is not allowed to park, parking spaces once sold, the other vehicle has no right to be used again. "This is the civil air defense projects, how can not just sell it?" In most of the new office, Mr. Zhang told reporters that his company here, I usually out,http://onohiroki.cycling.jp, taking into account the relatively convenient access to machinery spaces, it was decided to buy Underground ground parking spaces within easy access. After the inquiry can be found in these places belong to the civil air defense projects, it can buy, but there is no title certificate, ah, but the seller to the buyer to provide a stamp paper and corporate contracts, still feel a little out of touch.
For most of the new approach, the owners Mr. Wang to reporters moved out of the civil air defense regulations. "People's Republic of China Civil Air Defense Law," the first chapter IX clearly states: The state protects civil air defense facilities are not infringed. Prohibit any organization or individual to destroy or seize civil air defense facilities. Further investigation by him, most of the new building formerly Jiangsu Ltd, the company has long been the business sector to revoke the business license. Old company licenses revoked, how most of the new building will somehow become the property of most of the new business of it? Now most of the new trading company claiming to be the original home and started selling parking spaces, building owners in the purchase of most of the business requirements of the new parking spaces to produce most of the new home's parking certificates of title, the sellers only come up with a proof of most of the new trading company.
We have enough reputation to guarantee
Afterward, the reporter called the most of the new Trade Co.,parajumpers pas cher, Ltd. Jiangsu telephone number on the notice. "A 90,008 parking spaces, machinery spaces we have a special administrator operations,doudoune moncler, stop taking the vehicle easy." Each other enthusiastically explained. When the reporter asked the mechanical parking spaces too much trouble, there is no underground parking spaces on the ground, over the phone hesitated and said:?. "There are 300,000" "how much more expensive than mechanical parking" "The price is not expensive other parts of the air defense parking spaces more than 400,air max 90,000. "the other replied. Obviously, the other party has admitted this is civil air defense projects.
300,000 to buy a parking space is not a small expenditure, so the reporter again most of the new Trade Co., Ltd. to sell air defense projects to individuals, whether as a consumer can get the corresponding security grounds was questioned. "This is certainly legitimate." Phone confidence. "Although we do not have air defense parking spaces property titles, but you can provide invoices and company stamp of the contract. Most of our new trading company from 2005 began to sell parking spaces, enough to guarantee the credibility." He also told reporters, before two mechanical parking 80,000 from the sale, although it rose to 90,008,http://coordisnap.com, but after parking will definitely rise, bought absolutely no loss.
Civil Air Defense Office:
This is the loopholes
Reporters on most of the new Trade Co., Ltd. to sell air defense projects to do legitimacy parking,http://www.als-net.com/cgi-bin/keijiban/als-keijiban.cgi, telephone interview with Mr Lee at the Nanjing civil defense regulations. "The problem a lot of people have talked, and developers conduct is not illegal, but drilled legal loopholes." Mr Lee explained to reporters: "The concept is to sell the property to another individual, and air defense projects is does not have a title certificate, so buyers and sellers can only be carried out by way of rental transactions. developers most likely with the owner signed a long-term rental contracts, which explains why a parking space to 30 million, even higher prices. "Mr Lee a lot of experience for reporters doubts,barbour paris," the general air defense parking spaces are rented on a monthly basis or as one year, developers in order to more quickly recover the cost, it is a 10-year or 20-year period to the owners rent . "At the same time Mr Lee reminded the owners, this rental contract signed only a maximum of 20 years, more than the legal number of years recognized.
Yuechenhuagao elegant Wang Hongbin


Nanfang Daily & nbsp; (Reporter / Fangzhen Bin) at 14:40 on August 27, Humen Jinzhou North Square Shagang Road, Wuling van and a Mercedes car collided, after Mercedes driver got off, wearing sunglasses wearing sandals and holding nunchaku while the driver of the van beat. It is reported that, when the "Mercedes-Benz M" in reverse, is located in the subsequent in situ Wuling van stopped and fierce horn, but Mercedes reversing the process or crash the van.
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Mercedes driver: I admit that beating, and playing very happy & nbsp;
The day before 3 pm, when the reporter arrived at the scene,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/billy-k/jenni.html, the van driver have been sent to the Taiping People's Hospital, while Mercedes driver accepts security team survey,Chaussures louboutin, while directed at the families of the van driver shouted "I admit beating, and playing very happy, when many medical expenses, to me, anyway, and people die; but the beat is hit, crash is a crash, it is two different things. " Reporters saw Mercedes driver around the age of 40 years, sandwiched sunglasses on his forehead, feet sandals, ordered two young men around him to drive away. After the police to the scene, the "Mercedes-Benz M" away. & Nbsp;
Reporters on the scene saw a license plate number is "Guangdong S168 ××" Mercedes-Benz E300 sedan front left-leaning about 45 degrees, the rear right side of the car and van collided.
"I am from beginning to end, the Mercedes-Benz in reverse, the van stopped and honked, but Mercedes did not abduct the past to hit." Side of the shop owner told reporters after the two drivers to get off, the Mercedes-Benz driver said: "how", the van driver said: "What do you want",Chaussure louboutin pas cher, then a landing, Mercedes-Benz took the driver's seat returns nunchaku,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/gion/ps3cdd1.html, hit his head toward each other four or five, the young man quickly overwhelmed and was taken hospital. "
Reporters in the interview, the immediate neighborhood of the Mercedes drivers have condemned that unreasonable first Mercedes driver himself, has beaten the others,http://osirem.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=313212#p313212, and bluster, not quality.
Van driver: the other side reversing hit my car, I said that as people hacked to death
Subsequently, the reporter went to the Humen Taiping Hospital emergency outpatient, the van driver was lying on the bed Wei recall that scene had occurred, fear. He said: "I'm buzzing ears, head and faint pains had seen Mercedes in reverse, I quickly stopped and honked results Mercedes or hit up,karen millen sale, get off after the owner hit me, now. remember head was hit a few times, back and legs are kicking. "
Mr. Wei said after the incident, his parents and his brother rushed over, his brother called the police, the Mercedes driver said:. "You are not someone to, I ask somebody hacked you" Benz driver also pay him to let Mr. Wei 10,polo ralph lauren pas cher,000 yuan of money. Reporters learned that Mr. Wei Department of Meizhou,babyliss curl pas cher, Guangdong people, the 21-year-old boy, currently in Humen open the van to help people send bottled water.
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Guangdong Dongguan, a Party committee member for bribery,http://www13.plala.or.jp/gakuki3/cgi_bin/aska/aska.cgi, embezzlement, bribery, illegal occupation of land was sentenced to 16 years
Xinhua Guangzhou, May 29 (reporter a bamboo hair, Kombo) reporter on the 28th from the Dongguan Intermediate People's Court learned, Dongguan, Guangdong Huang Town, the former party member Li Peiqin bribes, embezzlement,http://www.health8.com/cgi-bin/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, bribery the illegal occupation of agricultural land, multiple crimes, was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment and confiscation of personal property of 500,000 yuan, a fine of 100,000 yuan.
Li Peiqin, aged 55, a former Communist Youth League secretary Huang Town, Dongguan City,extension cheveux, Sports Commission, the Minister of Armed Forces and other staff, 2005 Ren Huangjiang town Party committee member.
The Court found that Li Peiqin July 2005 to September 2009 to any of Dongguan City,http://www.jimopy.jp/piazza/main2/jimopymain.cgi, Huang Jiang town Party committee member, in charge of supply and marketing cooperatives, the ETO work. January 14, 2008, due to the supply and marketing cooperatives Huangjiang waste management sub-standard distribution of profits for many years the municipal government regulations, it is necessary to apply for the allocation of Huang Town, Huang Jiang Lu Taikang supply and marketing director and deputy director of Lee Chong Chi Sui to Li Peiqin sent 100,000 yuan. Li Peiqin after accepting 100,000 yuan, donated his own name Yellow Hibiscus Town Baoshan Temple.
Li Peiqin and Chin Liang Liang, Li Yongqiang, who is a friend Haikun, Qin Liang Liang, Li Yongqiang, who were told Li Peiqin Haikun said let in charge of taking advantage of the Yellow River supply and marketing cooperatives, to help the town's waste recycling contract. December 12, 2007, Huang Jiang supply and marketing cooperatives in the name of Huang Jiang signed with recycling companies Dongguan City Industrial Co., Ltd. waste materials business contracts, said Li Peiqin because of the contract has not been satisfied with his consent, he and Qin Liang Liang, Li Yongqiang, who Haikun discuss the decision, taking advantage of its position on the requirements linked to the company's waste station Huang Town, a village by the four co-contracting, Li Yongqiang, who is responsible for knowing Haikun Huang Town village junkyard business profitability. Lee also said that the proceeds from the establishment of public funds, shared by four.
After linking to the big companies to Li Peiqin Kan village waste sites in its cost price by the contract, Li Peiqin then expressed support for linking into the company contracted management waste recycling business Huang Jiang Town. In December 2008, Li Peiqin after consultation with Liang Liang Qin,extensions a clip,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/spark-inc/bike-55w-h4-4.html, Qin Liang Liang made contact linking into the company, in accordance with the requirements of the cost price to continue contracting large Kan village junkyard franchise in 2009. Union into the company agreed. After discussion, Li Peiqin, Qin Liang Liang, Li Yongqiang, who contracted price of 2.6 million yuan to the big junkyard Kan village subcontracted to Zhai Shao ball ≯ addition to the payment to the company linked to the cost of 1.0263 million yuan after Li Peiqin, Qin Liang Liang, Li Yongqiang, who profit 1.5737 million yuan,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/gion/eh-tw8100w.html, jointly owned by all four. Liang Liang Qin said the payments made by responsible for the custody, in January 2008, Li Peiqin, Qin Liang Liang, Li Yongqiang, who Haikun per share from $ 50,000 for the reception and other major loans to Li Peiqin friends like. January 14,tagli capelli corti, 2010, Liang Liang Qin investigating authorities to pay back stolen money 3,187,400 yuan common bribery.
The Court also identified Li Peiqin in June 2006 to December 2008 period, used his position, from Dongguan City, blue sky company has misappropriated 3 million yuan to Dongguan City, Huang Jiang Shifeng Development Co., Ltd. and Dongguan City, Huang Jiang Lishi Industry development Co., Ltd. for business activities. Dongguan City,extension cheveux achat en ligne, blue sky and Recycling Co., Ltd. is a state-controlled limited liability company, the main contractor responsible for the collection of payments made for each waste station turned over by Li Peiqin in charge of the company's business.
Since 1998, Li Peiqin to purchase land bridge Lek Management District, Changping Town, Dongguan City,http://insyoku.livedoor.biz/archives/29671745.html, Guo economic cooperatives, south gate economic cooperatives. January 1992, Li Peiqin wife Yemou Ying Guo et al., With the large economic cooperatives set up a "big Guo shares economic cooperatives" (not legal procedures), to develop large land Guo economic cooperatives. December 26, 1994, Guo large share of economic cooperatives and Ritchie company (founded by Li Peiqin actual investment) signed a "Share Transfer Agreement", will transfer all shares held by the company's profit, Li Peiqin through the company continues to land development and utilization in the process of development and utilization of land, illegal occupation of agricultural land 16.41 acres.
The court found that Li Peiqin as a national staff, used his position, his behavior constituted bribery, embezzlement, bribery, illegal occupation of farmland, the crime of accepting bribes in view of its active account,http://home.att.ne.jp/wind/pal9000/cgi-bin/yybbs.cgi, misappropriation of public funds in the incident before the return of all principal and interest may be given a lighter punishment, the court sentenced Li Peiqin 16 years imprisonment,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000000994277.html, confiscation of personal property of 500,000 yuan, a fine of 100,extension a clip naturel,000 yuan.