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His father peek micro letter, QQ friends also deleted
13-year-old boy anxious: police uncle, come grab my dad
"The policeman, you quickly come to my father arrested, I was a minor, he was just in my absence, peep my micro letter, I also saw the QQ chat, and removed some of my friends." this is at 10:00 on July 4 and more, Nanjing Public Security Bureau Yuhuatai Tiexinqiao police station received the alarm. After police enlighten persuasion, the police arrested the father of Zhang requirements, and urge the police not to criticize his father, and said they would communicate with my father.
Parents can peek and children's QQ micro letter, rebellious youth kids how to manage in the end,allungamento capelli milano, in order not to infringe on the privacy of children, but also to understand their process of growing a variety of puzzles, timely educate and guide their healthy growth? Yesterday, the Modern Express reporter interviewed some parents and educators.
Modern Express Reporter correspondent Yu Xuan Rui Li Shaofu
Call the police
QQ and micro-channel is the boys who started peeking alarm
At 10:00 on July 4 and more, an alarm call comes in Nanjing Public Security Bureau Yuhuatai Tiexinqiao police station. Over the phone, came not out of a childlike voice, asked police hurried past his father arrested.
After careful police asked that the alarm is on the first day of the boys Zhang.
When asked why the police arrested his father requested,http://cutyayu.sakura.ne.jp/cabbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=100&page=1, he said he was 13 years old, still a minor, his father can just take advantage of his absence, not only peep his WeChat and QQ chats, also some of his QQ friends to delete. School teacher had specifically organized to study the Protection of Minors Act, his father doing, is certainly a violation of his privacy, so the police grab his dad.
Zhang said that last semester final exams, his performance declined after the summer holidays, my father on his very strict, rarely let him online, and even interfere with his regular meeting with the students. Go home late, he also said a endless.
In the morning, he forgot to turn off the computer when they go out, the phone on the front of the computer. Results so he came home to find abnormal QQ, micro-channel can be opened ago. Dad did not wait for him to speak, let him want to learn, not with those "bad people" exchanges.
Later, he saw, only to find their QQ friends are deleted several. And several of them have been deleted, class relations are good students.
Zhang said his QQ friends are school students. Although they talk occasionally blind, but most of the time, but also use it to ask the job, discuss some problems or something. He insisted that my father did it illegal and criminal acts, the police in the past insisted that his father arrested.
Enlighten persuade children criticized father
Understand the situation, police alarm from the alarm Su Jie this mediation process. He first serious criticism of Zhang father's practice that he is doing wrong, do not respect children,extension cheveux naturel, but also a violation of the child's privacy.
Meanwhile, the police officers to persuade Su Jie Zhang,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/gion/ps490.html,extension a clipe, do not agree, though his father's practice, but had to admit he is a good starting point.
"You are the views and ideas are not mature, the ability to distinguish not strong, he was worried about you being a bad influence." Su Jie Zhang persuaded his father to let some little secret you do not want to know, and this is understandable.
"You can talk to him about it, some of the knowledge you access the Internet, as well as some of the things you talk between friends, let him know that some of the content you play online, so let him rest assured." Su Jie face persuasion, Zhang slowly lower the heart knots, said that it would get my dad to talk, let him not to peek your QQ and micro letter, he also pledged to work to learn, not follow others astray.
After some persuasion police officers Su Jie, Zhang expressed his dad forgive this behavior. And Zhang's father also said that in the future no longer peek at his private information, and will find the right way, enlighten and educate their children.
QQ and micro-channel count information letter?
Police: Internet information age, of course Operators
Su Jie Tiexinqiao police station received the alarm, the protection of minors carefully review the relevant laws and regulations. Among them,http://www.110.ne.jp, the law clearly stipulates that minors letters, any organization or individual may conceal, destroy; in addition to the program because of the need to trace a crime by the public security organs or the People's Procuratorate in accordance with the law to check, or incapacity is not letter by the father or other adult guardians be opened, no organization or individual shall not be opened.
As can be seen from this provision, father or other guardian be opened, access to minors letters, diaries, only incapacitated minors. And Zhang has 13 years of age, intellectually normal, no matter from which side, not incapacitated person. Therefore, he should not peek his father's letters.
The micro letter QQ chat and message, in the end count letters? Su Jie analysts believe that with the development of the Internet and information technology, such messages should be considered in the context of the protection of personal privacy, as letters.
However, while police officer Su Jie found that the protection of minors has also stipulates regulations, father or other guardians of minors to deal with adolescent physical, psychological changes give the right education and guidance; prevent and stop them from smoking, excessive drinking, homeless, and addicted to online gambling, drugs, prostitution and other acts. He thinks that if minors addicted to QQ or network, Dad appropriate interference is understandable.
Parents speak
Some parents agree with strict management and QQ micro letter dating
Yesterday afternoon, the Modern Express reporters at a training center Muxu Yuan Street entrance Qinhuai District, were asked about several training centers to meet the child's parents tuition.
"For QQ micro letter friends and, of course, pipe Oh, especially like my home girl so introverted, calling friends was led astray." Daughter is the very fact that on the first day, but she would not go to view her daughter the QQ and micro-channel chats, but will ask users to chat with his daughter has mastered some of the trends and knock the alarm, let her mind in learning.
The very fact that most worried about is that after her daughter through QQ and micro-channel like dating, there's the case of puppy love. "You do not know, today's kids scale when the network chat monstrous, parents must keep an eye on the point, but can not get the kids disgusted, really a little difficult." Ms. Zhang said, in order to monitor whether her puppy love, she occasionally with a strange QQ, to the identity of users, in her daughter's QQ friends in undercover, often tempted her,capelli corti, but so far very satisfied with her daughter's performance.
Several mothers have expressed a similar view with the very fact that the child was a minor, for some limited ability to distinguish things on their QQ and micro-channel friends, it is necessary to intervene in order to avoid children are "bad guys" influence.
However, several father expressed a different view, most people think that they should fully respect the privacy of children, give them some personal space. As long as the general direction of the child's attention to trends, identify problems in time after enlighten persuasion, so it will not affect the healthy growth of children.
Children something to say
"We need the right to speak."
"Adults speak, children do not interrupt," "where's the privacy of the child" ...... I heard that reporters want to interview privacy, 14-year-old Ting-Ting in an interview with reporters on the above words very "complaints." She is a junior high school students, though now the summer holidays,http://roda-store.jp, but also can keep the ground cram, if they do not also have been parents scolding. "I do not have the right to speak at home, are the parents have the final say, in fact, I quite objectionable." She told reporters, parents always think of himself as a little child, usually with their own students out to play, my mother would ask very Details, but also a predetermined time to go home, and felt a little personal space at all.
She told reporters, her students like the class of such a situation, there are many, but a few students speak at home is very "weight", "the last one of our students said they do not want to go to cram school, want to learn to dance, she my father agreed, and a lot of things at home,http://www13.plala.or.jp/white_roots/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi, parents will discuss with her, we are envious. "Tingting said that parents are very concerned about everything on their own, she knew the parents for their own good, but she hopes parents can listen to his talk, give yourself the space and the right to make decisions.
Sample survey
Empathy, "autonomy" is critical
Yesterday afternoon, the Express reporter through the network investigated 30 people, most of them agree that the kids privacy is definitely wrong, but also said, "Parents are also doing good for children."
As a 80, is already a child's father Tian in an interview with reporters,http://www.theatre-jeune.net/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi/, said, "I have a child by their parents had read the diary, but I prefer to blame rather than empathy." This year 30-year-old Tian He is a media worker, like his childhood diary, but have very detailed records, "my parents peek through my emotional state, undesignated pocket money, there are a lot happen in school but did not tell their parents do. "Tian said, he still remember the beginning, to the Internet, homework help students to muddle through, and received the other 10 dollars. Later, the things the teacher found out, he called the office to give criticism, but also to withdraw his team leader duties.
That he did not expect that, after the event record to the diary, parents directly holding the diary in front of him said, after like the Internet can talk to them for money, not to help students homework, but can not collect the money, which is harmful other side. Though it was very silent, but since this happened, he realized the importance of learning, no longer really help students homework, just like the Internet when parents request. Of course, this is required, it is to ensure a steady feed grades.
"Resistance does not resolve the problem, the key is the word 'discipline'." Looking back at his parents diary issue, since he felt that parents want to see the diary, certainly have concerns of their own, if they do better,
http://webquest.infoespacio.net/spip.php?article17, to do the right thing parents will no longer curious to see the diary. "In the future my children grow up, I want to see if his privacy, I think of myself as a child, Care,http://t0321.biz/mtos/mt-search.cgi, may not go to the."
Expert advice
Children should be given a minimum of respect and trust
"The child reaches puberty, it is the stage of self-consciousness, and this self-construction period, children have self-awareness territory,tissage cheveux, which requires parents to give full respect and trust." Yin Fei, Nanjing Normal University associate professor in accepting modern when the Express reporter, said that the children of this period began to have their own little secret, make a lot of parents feel that they do not go into the child's heart. But this mentality is not the child of parents struggle to keep up, self-awareness and continued to mature stage, the need to create their own space, they want their parents to be treated as adults.
This time, parents need not unavoidably understand their children, even with selfish to peek child's diary, QQ space, but should try to change their attitude and communication with the child, as equals to discuss with your child , exchange, give them adequate personal space. In order to stimulate the establishment of self-consciousness of the child, let him use the adult way to own requirements. In this process, parents can lead the way to guide its growth, helped him build a correct perception, from immaturity to maturity.
At the same time, parents do not think another way, the name of a friend with a child's identity exchange, continue to try to inquire about the child's privacy, only make children more disgusted. Child's adolescence is a continuous process of exploration, this process can not be replaced by the parents, not parents tell their children what kind of person can do with friends, what kind of things can not be done, but by children themselves through explore and build self-awareness parents through the lead, let him establish his own right and wrong values. "Of course, the circumstances of each family are different, but the respect and trust is the most basic, and then to say that education and guidance." Yin Fei said.
 (Edit: SN182)