
A controversial consultation fees
$ 400 fee in the end the elevator haul should not receive?
Early payment fees included realty service contract is not a contract is difficult to check the owners "are negotiated."
Despite stay a year, the fact that he always felt that the owners have been unable to share sulk digestion, which comes from check-in, an elevator haul fees charged property. It seems that the property is a maintenance owed interests of the owners,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001020388.html, to avoid damage to the elevator and high lifting freight. Ren and neighbors that this was a compulsive "arbitrary charges." The dispute comes from the deduction is that the current owners of the various cell charges puzzled and discontent.
Complaints: non-payment stoppage hydropower?
"Property is really too high, if you do not pay this money cut off water and electricity supply." Mr Yam owner who lives in Ganjingzi Hualong Nan Park, although have been living in a year, he has charged fees puzzled elevator haul on the property.
This elevator haul 400 dollars fee is charged only once,louboutin femme, mainly for high-rise residential tenants. Owners to use the elevator decoration materials handling decoration, required to pay. In the prophase realty service contract can be seen in this project.
Hualong Nan Garden residential property and three Zhubang Property Management Limited, the company unified management Hualong Nan Park, Broadwood source, kiss the beauty of three cells, nearly 2600 inhabitants. In Broadwood source owners forum, the reporter saw questioned this fee posts. There are owners of the property did not produce a premium price department granted the license, and therefore belong to the elevator haul fee overcharged.
Among the post, said the property owner does not pay the cost of representation, will not provide water and electricity supply. "This is not mandatory cost anything." Mr. Wang said the owners, the owners had to agree to stay another contract to stay normal. In Broadwood source owners forum, questioned the charges a lot, and had complained to the authorities. In the forums,http://insyoku.livedoor.biz/archives/21324746.html, there are also the owners of the fee agreed.
Yesterday, the reporter a telephone interview with the Dalian Municipal Price Bureau, said a staff member, the costs are not specified Price Bureau license fee, should be dealt with through consultation with the owners of property, the property without permission mandatory fees Price Bureau.
Property: This is for the owners to save money
"We do this in order to safeguard the interests of the owners." Yesterday and three Zhubang Property Management Ltd, who often managers to reporters to explain why the charge transport materials fee, he said it was learned hoisting dispute currently being taken by the frequent occurrence A variation, costs 300-400 yuan range.
Managers often say, residential high-rise passenger elevators are all, in principle, allowed to pull cargo, decoration materials easily damage the appearance and service life of the elevator, after consultation with the elevator company property before they get permission elevator haul. "The money the ultimate use of the elevator maintenance being."
At the same time often managers to reporters calculations, according to the current price of lifting the market, shipping 0.4 yuan each,barbour france, compared with 400 yuan fee haul both eliminating the trouble,http://matomade.2chblog.jp, but also far less than the lifting or artificial handling fee. "We can not do that every owner satisfaction, as long as the majority of owners do not have objections to the good." Said the manager often similar charges in the city's major cell are present.
"We also do not have mandatory fees, as long as the owners under the supervision of the property, did not use the elevator haul,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/cio/n0100101395.html, this cost may not pay." Often the manager said that although the charges written in the prophase realty service contract, but it is not can not be changed .
Owner: negotiation becomes "coercion"
Since the establishment of three cells at all times in a year or so, residential owners committee yet to be established, whether the charges after by all the owners currently unknown. Reporters at Broadwood source cell interviewed a resident, he said that the property had not received similar expressions.
"If you do not agree with the terms of the contract the property,canada goose pas cher, refused to sign, not only not receive the keys, but also there is no water and electricity supply." Mr. Wang said the owners, property fees should negotiate directly included in prophase realty service contract itself is unreasonable . "We are 'coerced'."
Owners say when just received a new house, the mood is very urgent, so few people care about this 400 dollar haul costs, but careful calculation, grew more and more bad. "The elevator is out of money together with our owners,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/mixon/4052186110.html,doudoune canada goose pas cher, why not to use? Say elevator first year warranty, free maintenance if there are problems." Mr Yam said the senior residents need to pay a monthly fee to use the elevator, this money itself is normal for an elevator maintenance, charge the cost of the property is just a pretext.
"There are thousands of community residents, even if half the owners pay, the funds can reach several hundred thousand dollars of money. The money was taken up, and with where the property should produce a detailed list of accounts." Ms. Lee said the owner.
Saying: Property suspected duplicate charges
"Elevator haul charges alleged recurring charges." Liaoning Huai A city lawyer Liu Ming to occur within the cell current issue questioned. "Elevator is in the public services,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/toy-time/key-009.html, the owners have the right to use the elevator in a reasonable range." A Liu Ming said, under normal circumstances, the owners pay a monthly fee for use of the lift, should include information about decoration materials and furniture transport caused by the loss of elevator maintenance security costs.
Residential property for a variety of charges, A Liu Ming believes that is not authorized by law is prohibited, "If there is no relevant authorization, no right to the property without charge." At the same time, the terms of such pre-written premium realty service contract, the owners have objections right, if it considers unreasonable fees,http://www.kenshudo.net, the complaint may be relevant to the business sector. Even if a service contract, but also by judicial means to confirm the application invalid or revoked.
Analysis: Cell rights allocated Game
In recent years, our attention several questions and complaints about residential property charges including elevator cards,canada goose solde, door cards, parking fees, and so on monopoly. Conflicts with the owners of the property, and gradually from the area of housing, maintenance fund,http://cutyayu.sakura.ne.jp/cabbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=111&page=1Noelle;, property fees to the problem of having a more subtle level.
Collect fees from a single property to a variety of operations, adjusted property management strategy so that was originally neglected problems have gradually surfaced. "Now the district is full of high-rise elevator property ads, the advertising carrier is shared by the owners, the owners' committee should be responsible for revenue, are now the property of the monopoly." One owners believe that a lot of hidden business within the district are the property control the owners lack of legal awareness and knowledge of business, it is hard rights.
The costs are also a variety of pretexts owners were extremely dissatisfied, "take the lift card must do, or not take. Into the community must do card, or get in." Wang said the people, it's almost become a joke, "We pay for their own money to buy a house and an elevator, can not easily access. "
Monopoly on cell resources the two sides during the game, one of the owners is relatively weak, often subject to property "coercion." "Who is the real owner of the cell" is an owners always need to crack the problem. In cases in which this charge transport materials, it can be seen as even more legal clarity, the property and the owners of the various disputes, and gradually into more concrete stage, every game brings is more transparent and detailed allocation of rights.
Chief reporter WANG Bo-wen


A length of 2.5 cm,http://hasehiro.info/ticket/ticket.cgi, thickness of the nail headlong into toothpicks head, the more dangerous
Three days ago, 32-year-old Pascal skilled fitter unexpected when to home decoration
Air gun trigger erroneously deducted
2.5 cm nail into the right brain
Yesterday morning, the nails was successfully removed, the current Pascal as usual
On his head a little bleeding, but I thought the point of skin abrasions. I did not expect a check, as much as a nail headlong into the brain tissue.
Remember three days ago accident, 32-year-old Yang Hui (a pseudonym) is still a lingering fear.
Pascal clearly remember when to needle his own decoration, air gun and pulled the trigger by mistake into the right side of his own head. & Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
Because this nails, Pascal often head pain, more seriously, this little trick is just shaking his head, it might lead to intracranial bleeding, life-threatening.
After two and a half hours of intense surgery yesterday morning,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/mixon/4052186110.html, Bethune International Peace Hospital, the head of Pascal's nail was successfully removed.
Scalp incision nail tight struck a large vessel
If we do surgery, Yang Hui's big trouble.
Since the nail on the head tie, Pascal can not chew on the right tooth, left tooth even have to chew slowly. I can not sleep at night, pressing the right side of the head,http://www.snatchfx.com,extension con clip, or the head to swell, severe pain.
Not only that, nail bar into position is in the functional areas of the human brain, blood vessels intensive, complex nerve branches.
"If the patient is slightly shaking, nail possible injury to the brain tissue,http://bbs.unxstudio.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=4447&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=13628, may leave after brain cysts, epilepsy and other sequelae. And strenuous exercise may also Pengpo blood vessels, and thus lead to intracranial hemorrhage, the consequences could be disastrous." Peace Hospital chief of neurosurgery Shi Changqing said.
Yesterday morning, after a day of physical examination, preoperative preparation programs develop, Yang Hui to take the nail in the Bethune International Peace Hospital neurosurgery.
In Pascal's head, the doctor with a black cross marks the site of the incident nail, if you look closely, you can still see a cross in the center position of the hole.
Yang Hui,extension cheveux naturel,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/cio/n0100100880.html, a good mental state, introduced accidentally from their own experience, the thinking and reactions are normal.
8:50, Yang Hui was wheeled into the operating room, after half an hour of general anesthesia, began formal operation.
"Too dangerous!" 9:35 Xu, when Yang Hui Shi Changqing cut scalp, nails found that close to a large vessel. If the large blood vessels rupture,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/topism/denim-17-topism.html, Pascal at any time there may be life-threatening.
Remove the nail embedded in the brain as much as 1.5 cm
After opening the scalp, doctors immediately with hydrogen peroxide and other surrounding areas of the nail and disinfection,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001177514.html, cleaning.
Pull out the nails straight? No! First you get a small piece of skull wearing nail together to take down the job.
To prevent bone graft during nail shaking, damage brain tissue, doctors first nail fixed on two thin lines.
Surgery is very difficult, the job must be carried out under medical microscope, Pascal had to avoid hitting the vessel.
10 am, Shi Changqing picked up a diameter of only about 1cm micro drill, gently point in the next nail to nail for the center slowly rotated counterclockwise, remove an about 2 cm and a width of 1 cm rectangular skull.
Also nail bar in the bone, but because of corrosion and other reasons soon broken into two parts.
Shi Changqing after the break length, with a needle in addition to remaining in the top of the skull nail out.
"It nails length 2.5 cm, skull and skin site embedded 1 cm, 1.5 cm foot inside the brain."
Homing skull & nbsp; also titanium sheet is "reinforced"
What to use instead of removing the skull? Originally, this skull is to return to the home position. This step is the final step of surgery.
Medical staff and disinfection after removing the skull back in place, the seamless bones close together.
Subsequently, Shi Changqing together with about 2 cm of titanium plate and screws were fixed to the bone.
"Titanium anti-oxidation corrosion, harmful to humans, is more conducive to the healing of the affected area." Shi Changqing explained.
11:25, the end of surgery, Pascal is pushed the operating room.
"It now appears that the operation was a success." After the surgery, let Yang Hui Shi Changqing got about four limbs, did not show adverse effects.
Shi Changqing said, and then Pascal will be an anti-inflammatory treatment,http://www.cyclotourisme06-ffct.org/spip.php?article33, after about a week you can discharged.
Three days ago to house decoration
He mistakenly pulled the trigger pin into the brain
"After the work was really good protection." Yesterday morning, three days ago that brought an accident, Yang Hui still haunt.
As the renovation work on the installation of Pascal's house can be described as hundreds of times. At 15:30 on the 14th Xu, he is doing the right thing for their home decoration.
At this point, he stood on a small stool, want to use an air gun to hit the wall board nails.
That's when the accident happened.
"I turned to bring in air guns behind, accidentally pulled the trigger." Yang Hui, who recalls that he only felt a little pain right side of his head, touched a little bleeding, but no other discomfort.
He thought it was an air gun chafed skin nod, no too concerned.
Later time, he occasionally feels a little head up, his family persuaded him to the hospital look, Then he removed to Peace Hospital.
CT examination results came out, shocked Yang Hui: to pull the trigger by mistake hit the nail,extension sur cheveux courts, even into his head.
"It was not wearing a helmet, usually work often do not wear, I feel very skilled,extension capelli veri clip, can not be a mistake." Yesterday morning, Yang Hui touched his head, I am sorry to say.
"When construction must be good protection, whether or not Confirmed, the effect may not." Field hospital emergency surgeon Tao warned.
According to reports, the hospital received patients every year due to inadequate protection in the construction process is not in place or are accidental injury,rajout cheveux, in which the majority of fractures.
■ text / reporter Chen Xue Zhang Minghao
 (Edit: SN094)

Because thieves frequently patronize zone

Southern Metropolis Daily, April 14 (Reporter Li Sheng Fu) Because thieves frequently patronize zone,parajumpers pas cher, some sleep became a luxury. 14th district some owners of Sanya City, the Southern Metropolis Daily Kelantan to reflect,hogan outlet, from the end of February than a month,air max 90 pas cher, no less than in their residential tenants stolen 30 times,http://ria.ru,scarpe hogan outlet, as much as a day,http://www.kochi-yeg.ne.jp, six home owners stolen. Now, the whole district is panic, fearing the day thief would patronize their own.
Ms Wu said that at 23:00 on March 17 more minutes, she and her husband came home puzzled to find that the key to their own how to open the door and had to pry open the door to go, but was already 23:00 and more bell, the couple did not pay attention to sleep. The next morning after getting home was found upside down, and a check only to find,http://sample.maxnet.tw/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=337868&fromuid=134, on the two rings on the dresser drawers two bracelets, clothes closet 2,000 yuan in cash,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000000681717.html, wardrobe drawer below a necklace, 1 pair of earrings and a ring full stolen. She bit rough statistics,http://tukipie.net/audiobook/index.cgi, at least the loss of more than 40,000 yuan.
During the interview, the owner of a cell Kelantan rushes to the Southern Metropolis Daily reporter, in fact, they often find the owners residential theft. According to their incomplete statistics,http://www.maritimeoiljobs.com/cgi-maritimeoiljobs/news-clip.pl?n=30, since the end of February,canada goose pas cher,http://jrecin.jst.go.jp, they plot more than 30 thefts occurred at least.
It is understood that Kelantan cell and home Hing home most of balconies and windows are not installed anti-theft network, the thief climbed up along the walls of the cell gas pipeline households balcony, then enter the room to steal. Although interest in the home district and are equipped with surveillance, but because of the low number like monitor, hard to see at night.
According to district property,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001021557.html, due to multiple tenants within the district, and the constantly changing personnel more complex, even a stranger come in, they are difficult to distinguish by households, households friend or thief. Further, the cell wall is very low, thieves often see their security patrol had gone to climb the wall to come.
It is understood that after the thieves committing the crime highly mobile, to the police and to bring some degree of difficulty. Currently, the district police station has been stepping up patrols to increase detection efforts, and prepare for the district and the nearby investigation.
(Original title: Three-month Yadan state cell 30 households stolen from 6 up to a day)


A la carte with a bamboo stick with drinking altar wine,moncler femme
"Drinking altar wine,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/topism/jkt-14-topism.html, bamboo la carte, from time to time someone call you heroes ......" Yubei Dragon Square, a company called "old world" of the grill, the martial arts drama scenes, the original model as is moved into reality. Here, small drinking vessels,http://bbs.ddmarathon.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=109965, large shop decoration, reveals a deep sense of smell rivers and lakes. And this grill treasurer, was originally a teacher.
Jars are rivers and lakes
Little shops, about more than 20 square meters,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/menscasual/n-tops-35-menscasual.html, down only four tables.
Shop on the middle of a huge bar, stocked with large and small jars. The boss said, these jars can meet different customer needs drinker, if customers are willing to experience the big mouth to eat meat,doudoune moncler,http://natyuraltste.3rin.net, drinking bowl feeling, with a large wine jars to install them.
But until now, only small jars come in handy. Because large jars is too great, one can hold 12 bottles of beer, it is estimated to have no heroes such massive.
Decoration is very rivers and lakes
Look around,hogan outlet, black wood and beige wood wall orderly interwoven costume drama like those windows papered inn in general.
On the walls, wooden plaque hanging different emblazoned with Kung Fu, the words evil and so on. The bottom of each wooden sign also with an assortment of decoration. Kung Fu hanging under a "Heavenly Sword", and below the Eagles hung a gourd and a straw hat. In such an in-store dining, it is hard not put themselves in "the arena" in.
The menu is rivers and lakes
Even more interesting is that each table is placed a bamboo,woolrich outlet, which stuck a lot of bamboo, bamboo sticks above each are written in black pen: pork, rabbit loin, fish consumption of children below there ...... price.
The boss said, to allow customers to experience the "Wild" feeling, specially produced bamboo tube menu.
Under normal circumstances,http://gatheringofdivine.org, to in-store dining "heroes" who look through the bamboo stick to pick their favorite dishes,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/byfifty/by-zero.html, but there are a lot of people would draw lots as bamboo tube shake vigorously until a bamboo stick out on the table. Serving ballot, but also very interesting.
Yesterday afternoon,http://football-station.net, Yubei turquoise branch boss Li Yi in the store ready for business. Chongqing Morning News reporter Li Binshe
The menu is so rivers and lakes.
Arena rules
This grill also set up a number of "arena rules": Do not drink and riding Honjo, official catch closely; treacherous rivers and lakes, heroes Please keep carry weapons and drafts; Honjo Small Second, if a bad host, please big Man forgive me, not surgery or a gun ......
Treasurer voices & gt;
LaoJiangHu treasurer was once a teacher
"Old world," the boss told Li Yi,piumini woolrich outlet, 23 years old, graduated from college a year. Li Yi said that this grill is he and two partners opened a friend of the store's business is mainly run by him.
Learning of Physical Education Major in college Li Yi, after graduating from Tongliang back home, in a middle school as a physical education teacher. But in doing for some time after the teacher, Li Yi found that this is not the life you want.
Then, Li Yi despite family opposition, the main city alone came hard, his first work in sales at a preschool institutions, because a job well done was promoted to sales director. But later, Li Yi still think this is not what you want.
Habit of watching martial arts films of Li Yi, I hope to be able to like the television show the heroes in general, free from any restraint.
In one trip, Li Yi and friends accidentally discovered a smokeless barbecue. Back to Chongqing, began to discuss the opening of such a store. Shop decoration on the issue, Li Yi put forward have "quack" feeling, the two friends are very in favor. Eventually, the distinctive "old world" opened up.
Li Yi said that this round grill their own "martial arts dream",http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001020388.html, where he hopes to make more and he has the same "martial arts dream" friend.
Chongqing Morning News reporter Wen Qing
(Original title: LaoJiangHu barbecue really rivers and lakes)


This is authentic fake taxi vehicles. Liang Yuan Chang leg abrasions.
Yesterday morning, the "90" black car owners are soliciting Yang saw the familiar YunGuanSuo staff to inspectors, he hurriedly drove escape. He played with the "dealings" in Hefei Yunguanchu Yaohai YunGuanSuo deputy director Liang Chang yuan, but in the process of intercepting a car dragged ten meters, suffered multiple injuries; Zhang Qiang, police also arrested during that wounded.
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; had a criminal record, chances YunGuanSuo
Yesterday morning, the city carries the canal Yaohai YunGuanSuo receiving the report, they said they found a fake license taxi soliciting in Chuzhou Road. The transportation management law enforcement officers immediately to the scene to investigate.
"This man, this car,louboutin soldes, I know." The transportation management deputy director Liang Chang, said that, before he had played twice face to face with the owners, but let him run away twice, the second time to escape this the car also Longgang squadron of traffic police enforcement car knocked down. "This time we sent out 10 people, is to let the owners to escape again the road to see a traffic police on duty, he called on us (him) together."
"I saw the owner, he is soliciting, then he saw me." Since fought two "dealings" Liang Yuan Chang and the owners have to remember the other looks, alert the owner to see Liang Chang-yuan, hurry up cars, want to escape the scene.
Liang Chang Yuan rushed quickly rushed up to open the door, the owners want to reach out to pull down, but at this time, the car began to retreat.
Simply to escape, the vehicle dragged ten meters
"I was knocked down the door." After Yuan Chang Liang fell to the ground, instinctively stretch forward, then the scene so that his heart suddenly a cool: his legs have been in the car, while a foot away, is still running the front wheel.
"I was not from the car below withdraw,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/cio/n0100102391.html, as long as I slow step might legs broken." Liang Chang Yuan left hand to pull the door,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001081082.html, right hand pawing at the bottom of the vehicle, but the door after he pulled inward Shoulong, struggling, Liang Chang-yuan upper body also entered under the car. The car is still in recession.
After people see this situation around and shouted: "! It was under the car, quickly stop." But in addition to automobile brake hum Liang Chang Yuan heard nothing.
Car black car has been ten meters down the line, until the police came to Zhang Qiang enforcement motorcycle parked in the black car, black car hit the motorcycle blocked the path, finally he stopped.
Where to run,scarpe hogan outlet,http://0737.bentu.co/home.php?mod=space&uid=709579, finally captured several bailing
After the black car stopped, the owner jumped getaway, but was captured by law enforcement officials and onlookers.
At this time the public was found, police Zhang Qiang also been injured. "I saw the black car back, it was under the car, the car quickly to law enforcement in the past, but has not come and get off black car hit came." Law enforcement vehicles down, followed by Zhang Qiang fell to the ground, law enforcement vehicles and just down to him.
When law enforcement officers will Yaohai YunGuanSuo owners referred to Zhang Qiang back Yaohai traffic police brigade,nike air max pas cher, the owner is not prepared to take advantage of people, break getaway control again, and the traffic police will be pulled down in the ground.
Repeatedly in black car owners want to escape, but was eventually caught, "several of us chasing hold, ran a street, and finally caught him again." Yaohai YunGuanSuo law enforcement officials said.
Stay frightened, glad when he had been a soldier
Later, Chang Liang Yuan and Zhang Qiang went to hospital for a check. Reporters learned yesterday afternoon, Liang Chang Yuan waist bone does not matter,http://llo3ll.s35.xrea.com/yza-dou/88club/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=110/, but the back and buttocks in varying degrees of soft tissue contusion,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/spark-inc/kit-35wu-h3c-122.html, leg also has multiple wounds; Zhang Qiang is still in the hospital waiting for test results.
"Fortunately, these two days to cool, I wear thick clothes." Liang Chang Yuan fear to say. Let Yuan Chang Liang Fortunately, he was of military origin,http://girl.happybsday.com, was a member of the national guard of honor, has good health, but also in danger, did not panic, "If I have no energy or time was kept, the consequences could be disastrous."
The owner said, he is afraid of car reversing detained
13:00 yesterday, the reporter in Hefei Yaohai saw the traffic police brigade accident owners - "90" Yang, he looked very depressed, his face and neck as well as get rid of the control of law enforcement officers when traces .
"At that time my mind just want to quickly run, or else the car is gone." Speaking of parking enforcement officers dragged, knocked down a motorcycle traffic police enforcement issue, Yang said that in late October this year, he Hefei Huaining Road, a second-hand car market to spend 14,800 yuan to buy a car off the assembly line taxi. Although black car opened only a month, but he has been reported three times, the difference is that twice before he leave the territory.
It is reported that Yang, 21, Feidong yesterday to send the guests came to the vicinity, it will stop the car and other business. "I saw several people walking toward me, I know one of them, that is, before grabbed me." Yang said he was just to run to the car did not turn off,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/uchiyama-sports/new-k312-a.html, it got linked to reverse gear, the door did not even enough time tightly closed.
According to Yang's brother introduced, Yang never graduated from junior high school will go out doing odd jobs, middle also cheated of his work required. Later, I heard a lot of money to open the black car, so patchwork of borrowed 10,000 yuan to buy a car, "Who would have thought the money did not earn, now stir these things!"
"I do not know the open black car illegal, because a lot of people are open. I only know that open black car caught up,woolrich outlet online, the car is gone." Yang told reporters recently he was planning to sell the car, "They've been caught me twice, and I find it very dangerous. "
Pending, it has been transferred to the police station
After the event, the traffic police brigade Yaohai law enforcement officers with the trailer "cloning vehicle" illegal operation of car onto the parking lot. 14:00 yesterday, the reporter saw in the parking lot, the car and the car's appearance and arrangement of identical regular taxis, car dome light, meter,http://www.umanosato.com/clip/clip.cgi, etc. ranging.
"This is the authentic fake taxi vehicles." Yaohai traffic police brigade police said, pointing to the car in front of the windshield, "There is no inspection sticker, and regular cab would certainly put this flag."
In addition, in the inspection, police found Yang driving without a license, vehicle license plate is a forgery. "The car turned out to be a taxi off the assembly line, after updating to non-commercial vehicles from operations, in accordance with the requirements of the body color to be replaced,hogan uomo, while the owners not only does not change color, but also modeled taxis operating, it is illegal."
It is reported that the traffic police department in accordance with relevant provisions of the "Road Traffic Safety Regulations" Yang punishment. Meanwhile, the two caused by law enforcement officers were injured, police vehicles damaged afternoon Yang has been transferred to the district police station for further review process.
Trainee newspaper reporter Liu Quan Guo Long
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According BEIJING reported a "Guangdong Shaoguan a burly man in a police station violent death," the post recently on the Internet concern. Shaoguan City, Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau said in an interview on the 13th when the man whoring after Zhang was caught by police,http://sukikatte.doorblog.jp, have full control, police disposal there is nothing wrong, if families have questions, you can appeal to the prosecution.
Deputy director, said there is no tiger bench
12 at noon, there is Post said a local man after the evening of 30 October 2014 the police station was caught and forced to sit tiger bench, within ten hours drink a few glasses of water,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/cio/n0100100236zz.html, eat a few buns Shaoguan local forum and in the end, the man in the toilet,air max pas cher, fell to the ground twitching,http://www.hacosuke.com/hacobbs/hacobbs.cgi, after she died. Post issue raised hot Internet users, have questioned whether the police violence of law enforcement.
Diao Zhen, deputy director of Public Security Bureau on the 13th in an interview said that after the incident, dozens of families of the deceased in the police station to watch all the surveillance video, investigators can prove that law enforcement officers have absolutely no violence,louboutin pas cher, "police interrogation with chair, in accordance with the requirements of Ministry of Public Security unified legal setting, there is no tiger bench. "
They wear handcuffs indwelling indoor lounge
According to the police,http://meridianheightscommunity.com/activity/p/47389/, 30 October 2014 22 am, Shaoguan City, Nanshan police station in the area of sand pear orchard, a rented salon investigate prostitution activities,parajumpers Soldes,http://narcissu.doorblog.jp/archives/16765659.html, was arrested a man and woman, male as Zhang (46 years, Guangdong Province, Ren of County), woman is Liu Hung (46 years, Changde City, Hunan people), according to the two men summoned to the Nanshan police station, and investigators into the area, throughout the trial, fingerprint information etc. full video surveillance, which During the interrogation synchronous recording.
October 31 at 3 pm, Zhang, Liu investigators were legally stay in the area waiting to be processed. For security, the two were left handcuffed in the interrogation,http://www.jisc.go.jp, asking the detention rooms bench seating with special care. 10:00 in the morning,parajumpers france, they had breakfast and drank the water. Noon to 12 pm, Zhang requested the toilet, returned in handling Corridor corridor suddenly fell to the ground on their own (with video surveillance), immediately after viewing call 120 police approached Zhang called for aid. Emergency personnel more than 10 minutes after arrival and emergency rescue Zhang,http://mbng.hantasy.com, unfortunately died.
Forensic identification of sudden cardiac death disease
Police said the deceased Zhang Nanshan police station summoned the investigation process,hogan rebel, very cooperate with the investigation, truthfully confessed himself repeatedly prostitution illegal facts, there is no police torture Zhang take offense; Zhang was summoned to the public security organs to their sudden onset of death,http://sokeizai.or.jp, which lasted about 14 hours, within legally summoned time, the public security organs friends said the abuse, corporal punishment does not exist at this time, "he evening was arrested in the morning we offer breakfast and water, and the night room temperature about 20 ℃, the cold does not cause loss of temperature. "
Police said that in order to avoid suspicion, Zhang after the death of its application to the families of Shaoguan City Procuratorate, the Public Prosecutor's Office commissioned the forensic autopsy, the final forensic results of sudden cardiac death disease. Diao, deputy director said that if the family members that the public security organs at the disposal of the case at fault, according to the law can appeal to the prosecutor, the court, the police will be duty-bound to cooperate with the investigation.
(Original title: Man prostitution was arrested sudden death police denied torture)
Edit: SN182


Survivors said the fire was caused by someone burning trash in 21 floor building
Couples cling together, when they cremation can not be separated
"If my wife died today, not tomorrow, I thought about it." A prophecy
Fire causes new version
Why three 28-storey building at the same time in the windy autumn "energy saving exterior wall construction" mean? 17 evening, Pan Ocean Hotel in settlements, the reporter saw the sand out of the know. His Gege Sha Guorong killed in the fire. "This district is next to Nanyang Electrical Machinery Plant, is what you see today that an open space, as the developer of this land to real estate development, real estate development and they soon might be caused by the sun teachers apartment block, so this cell residents have expressed their opposition. in order to ease the contradiction, to appease the community residents, developers Nanyang electrical Machinery plant land proposed to give teachers apartment transformation of energy saving. "sand Ming explained why teachers apartment exterior construction to reporters. According to the sand Ming, the transformation of the developer to include teachers in the apartment building's exterior walls increase the insulation layer,http://www.enochnj.org/pagegen.cgi, the residents of the home into a double single glass, etc., and to transform the building insulation with all combustible.
Sand Guorong's daughter, said the incident the same day the wind is very large, but it was in the building 21-storey building burning garbage, I do not know whether this is the reason for the building fires? Reporters then from Shanghai Jiayi Building Decoration Engineering Company learned that the company is principally responsible is under police investigation.
Lost contact with the elderly who nearly Qicheng
Up to 17, 36 people are still not yet contacted. Some relatives of the missing people are still hard to find,http://meido27.net, refused to attend the memorial service,piumini woolrich, the hearts of their loved ones alive carries conviction. Again updated detailed list of casualties are countless pairs of eyes and affects countless hearts. In front of forlorn hope,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/menscasual/denim-20-menscasual.html, the families decided to choose a stick.
To 17 pm, through DNA comparison confirmed 728 Jiaozhou Road, Jiaozhou teachers apartment 53 "11.15" fire victims in the 26 identity of the victims. In addition, the inhabitants of the building of the fire, there are 36 people could not be reached.
Located in Shanghai Changping Road, Jiaozhou Road fire resettlement sites posted "not linked to the residents list" shows that 36 missing persons have six unpublished name, age, and 10 people of unknown age.
Fire started in the 10 to 12 layers, from the list of missing persons where the floor can be seen above the central apartment building fire more serious. 10 floors above 26 people, accounting for 72% of all missing persons.
In addition, the majority of the elder of the missing persons in the age of 17 announced the disappearance of 11 people who are over the age of 60, the proportion of the elderly accounted for 65%. Among them,moncler soldes, the maximum age is 84 years old living in the 16th floor with Yin Bo, the minimum is 16 months Xiayu Chen.
Located in Changping Road, Shanghai Jiaozhou Road fire settlements, there are still large numbers of people come here for news. Resettlement sites posted "not linked to the residents list", there are still 36 people lost track. There are people suspected of not being a big fire.
It is engaged in fire prevention staff,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=73&page=2, Shanghai fire burning time is not long enough to cause people burnt, even burn, burn residues also have the bodies, so this reasoning does not hold.
According to the firefighters speculated that the missing person may be out abroad, not contact, and the fire has nothing to do.
According to relevant staff, did not reach the residents may have died, there are likely to be picked up by relatives, may also receiving treatment at the hospital.
Layers of subcontractors, in the end the number of migrant workers missing
Former Shanghai Jiaozhou Road fire in the building, one with flowers, is entrusted with the living endless grief. Reporters noted that migrant workers are operating in the entire building fire little attention. In the end how much time workers? How many workers missing? Confirmed dead or missing family members of migrant workers will get what kind of compensation? This also allows hard waiting, wistfully missing migrant families particularly worried.
In the scene of the fire, the number of workers the job in the end, the official Shanghai conference were not disclosed. Reporters learned that there are only 10 people to do the insulation material around the construction, the construction team had two killed and one missing. At that time, there are many migrant workers are operating, some migrant workers fled to the roof and rescued. Let the victims and families of missing persons also worried about is this one who is responsible for workers compensation?
A person affected residents make up 500 yuan
Nearly seventy years old Shanghai Mr. Xie and his wife living in Australia, Hui Hu holiday two months ago, at No. 728 Jiaozhou Road,http://bbs.x-kicks.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1788917, rented a suite. Fire the same day, an old married couple work out,doudoune parajumpers femme, go home when the afternoon, the fire has spread, can not enter the door.
That night, the old couple were placed into Joyage business hotel. 16 afternoon, they walked into a shop next to the hotel's thermal underwear shopping.
This should be relatively quiet weekday afternoon, the stores actually crowded. A female salesperson, after the fire, the store traffic surge, many of which come from the affected people. They are too busy to take the clothes to escape, to get safe after resettlement, have come to buy warm clothes.
Errands, Xie couple carry with only a small change,hogan rebel, "the government gives each of us the affected residents 500 yuan subsidy life, just emergency." Two old people holding hands to pick underwear.
Each household affected families receive million emergency cash
Yesterday morning, the Shanghai Charity Foundation to the settlements, due to visit the affected residents, "11.15 catastrophic fire," and sent to each household affected families million emergency cash.
Couple embracing victims
Crematorium is difficult to be separated
That night, how many people did not sleep? You, me, all with a disaster before, weep, think pain.
After the fire, I do not know how many families will Tianrenyongge? We try to look for the dead in the green bit by bit, to comfort the relatives and friends.
November 15, 14:30, Mr. Tong Fang received a friend's phone. The phone is an urgent call for help: "Fire, police quickly to help us." 14:35, after Mr. Tong alarm call back, "This time we could really met again." Fang said.
A prophecy.
16, 2009, Mr. Tong Fang in Longhua Funeral Home to see the bodies, "the house the other three people are gone, they are Fang's husband, father and nanny." Without the fire,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/waiwai/gf-8250-9.html, Fang couple will appear in the child Mr. son's birthday party, "banquet have been booked,http://people.lis.illinois.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search.cgi, she is my son's godmother." Mr. Tong said, choking back tears.
Two months ago,doudoune moncler, Fang and her husband came back to Shanghai. She went to Japan to study early, stay after graduation to work in Japan, and Japanese orange Yukihiro (sound) to get married, and have obtained permanent residency in Japan.
Mr. Tong Fang and more than ten years of friendship, they are classmates, during the Fang in Japan, has been run by a Mr. Tong help according to Gu Wangfang father. "She was a very dutiful people, very good friends."
Fire that day, Fang is the father's birthday. Fang put the cake that day, and others refused to eat lunch invitations, insisted to go home for his father's birthday. "That 13:30 or so, I received her phone, who knows 2:30 they received fire calls."
Mr. Tong admitted that first he is more optimistic. After the first time,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000000961595.html, rushed to the scene of the fire, time fades, optimism has disappeared.
Mr. Tong hopes eventually shattered, "at the Longhua Funeral Home I almost did not dare to recognize, too bad." According to firefighters, he said burglary, Orange Yukihiro Fang and her husband in the kitchen locked in an embrace, to the crematorium it is difficult to separate the two of them.
Fang and her husband married for many years, both very much in love. According to Mr. Tong introduced, Orange Yukihiro once said this: "If my wife died today, not tomorrow, I thought about it." Comprehensive "Beijing Evening News", "Xinmin Evening News" and other