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The White House has confirmed that tiffany outlet milano Health Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning and will be replaced by Sylvia Burwell, the director of the Office of Management Budget, assuming the latter is confirmed by the mbt milano Senate. Sebelius' departure comes after she said in October that she should be held "accountable for the debacle" of the launch of Obamacare, although the program did chaussure air max pas cher reach the government's target of 7M sign ups by the end of March. hogan outlet She said yesterday that at least 7.5M people have enrolled. One of Burwell's first challenges will be to work with health insurers as they set prices for Obamacare plans in 2015, which industry executives have warned could rise sharply. More on Obamacare Health insurers: AET, HNT, HUM, UNH, WLP, MO Hospital hogan outlet roma operators: HCA, CYH, michael kors outlet THC, UHS, HMA, LPNT Pharmacies: WAG, CVS, BIOS, RAD, MHS, PMC, OCR ETFs: XLV, XHE, VHT, FXH, IHF, IHI, cheap michael kors IYH, PTH, RYH, PSCH, RXL, hogan outlet 2015 RXD, XHSAround 4.8M people aged 18 64 get no government help to buy medical insurance because they earn too little to qualify for federal subsidies. However, they earn too much to receive benefits under state programs. The gap is the result of 24 states deciding not to expand Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act. However, some states are revisiting their policies in order to cover the hole, which hospitals such as UAB Health System see as a threat to their revenues. More on Obamacare Hospital operators: HCA, CYH, THC, UHS, HMA, LPNT. ETFs: XLV, XHE, VHT, FXH, IHF, IHI, IYH, air jordan site officiel How much control do we have PTH, RYH, PSCH, RXL, RXD, XHS.NYT: Health Management's scheme to boost paymentsThe NYT profiles Health Management Associates (HMA), which is facing multiple lawsuits in several states including coach outlet official site Me from the Justice Department over claims that it would admit patients into hospitals even if they didn't need treatment so that it could receive more money from Medicare and Medicaid. The practice was allegedly driven by former CEO Gary Newsome. Penalties would only act as a deterrent, says analyst Sheryl Skolnick, if they were at least $500M.Community Health hogan outlet online Systems promotes execs, unveils new structureCommunity Health Systems (CYH) promotes some of its senior management or just gives them fancier job titles ahead giuseppe zanotti sneakers pas cher 10-9-47805 the pending acquisition of Health Management Associates (HMA), which is expected to close by the end of January. Community Health is also expanding its structure from five to six geographically aligned operating divisions. Among the HR changes, the company names David Miller as President and COO; previously Miller was President of Division I Operations. (PR)Growth of healthcare costs remained muted in 2012National healthcare spending grew less than 4% for the fourth year in a row in 2012, rising 3.7% to $2.8T, a report by the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services shows. As a proportion of the total economy, expenditure edged down to 17.2% from 17.3%. However, the White House said the figures vindicated the President's signature policy. The cost of hospital care rose 4.9% in 2012 and that for doctors' services and louboutin chaussures outpatient clinics 4.6%, although spending on prescription drugs increased just 0.4%, due to patent expiries. Relevant tickers: AET, HNT, HUM, UNH, WLP, MOH, HCA, CYH, THC, UHS, HMA, LPNT, WAG, CVS, BIOS, RAD, MHS, PMC, OCR, MCK, CAH, ABC, ESRX, MHS, CAH. ETFS: XLV, XHE, VHT, FXH, IHF, IHI, IYH, PTH, RYH, PSCH, RXL, RXD, XHS.Obamacare demand manageable so farEarly reports from health providers and online medical booking service ZocDoc indicate that demand for care from those who bought insurance under Obamacare has been modest so far. The actual pace of demand should give insurers more time to process the applications that they tiffany outlet online need to enter into their systems and issue membership cards. More on Obamacare. Health insurers: AET, HNT, HUM, UNH, WLP, roshe run femme pas cher MOH. Hospital operators: HCA, CYH, THC, UHS, HMA, LPNT. Pharmacies: WAG, CVS, BIOS, RAD, MHS, PMC, OCR. ETFS: sacs longchamp pas cher XLV, XHE, VHT, FXH, IHF, IHI, IYH, PTH, RYH, PSCH, RXL, RXD, XHS.Over 2.1M signed up as Obamacare plans take effectMore than 2.1M people have signed up for Obamacare mandated health insurance, which has gone into effect today. That's an addition of 1.6M consumers in December, but somewhat below the 3.3M that was initially projected. Administration officials also don't know how many people have paid, while insurers haven't received all the information they need about those who have bought plans. As a result, much confusion is expected when patients turn up for appointments, a situation the government is hoping to help alleviate with a toll free call center. Around 3.9M people are judged eligible for Medicaid and a related children's insurance program, although it's not known how many have signed up. Another 3M young Americans have coverage under their parents' plans. More on Obamacare. Health insurers: AET, HNT, HUM, UNH, WLP, MOH. Hospital operators: HCA, CYH, THC, UHS, HMA, LPNT. ETFS: nike air max pas cher XLV, XHE, VHT, FXH, IHF, IHI, IYH, PTH, RYH, PSCH, RXL, RXD, XHS.Health Management CFO sells air jordan pas cher remaining stakeHealth Management (HMA 0.1%) CFO Kelly Curry has sold the 187K remaining shares he held in the company, according to a filing with the SEC. The transaction price as of today's close would be $13.32/share and an additional Contingent Value Right of up to $1/share.