
It had been cheated through MLM organizations Li and Li Ping co-founded the company in order to invest "low carbon building" as an excuse to draw deposits from the public through illegal pyramid schemes. Companies use on-line investor investors get development off the assembly line the way the commission, illegal fund-raising 600 million 9,000 million fraud 11364 people, involving 28 provinces. Last June, a court in Tianjin illegal deposits from the public and sentenced Li Ping to death, suspended for two years. Recently, the Director of Operations is a high Mentougou District Procuratorate approved the arrest.
□ Register Company
Known as the actual vote 5 billion a point not dig
This year 53-year-old Li from Tianjin, in 2010 he met through a friend 49-year-old Li Ping. Two have had experience of being deceived MLM company, so they got together and thought by "routine" On the company a fortune. In 2010, Li and Li Ping, has learned through the news, Tianjin Binhai New Area in the future Jiabao will have a big development, two thought it was business.
Li worked in the Nankai Branch of Tianjin Public Security Bureau, a branch of Tianjin Industrial and Commercial Bureau to work with the experience, he was soon in a manner established partnership with Ping stumpage Tianjin Equity Investment Fund Management Partnership (hereinafter referred to as stumpage enterprise ), and get business registration materials. The enterprise known as the registered capital of 5 billion yuan, of which Li executive partner of subscription 3.0 billion, Ping subscribed contribute 20 billion, but in fact none of the two penny.
In June 2010, two deputy general manager Yang Yuling hire,, Huding Yu and other artificial market, responsible for business operations and financing propaganda. After the establishment of living trees, use two misconceptions investors registered capital is paid up registered capital, capital scale enterprises deliberately exaggerated propaganda, fiction Jiabao in Tianjin Binhai New Area in the financial center of the "low-carbon building" project, by in the form of equity financing, advocacy to the public through the Internet and brochures.
Subsequently, the two also looking for people to make the company's website, and make a lot of stumpage corporate brochures, Li fabricated with senior management qualifications and experience in the financial industry abroad false information. To avoid detection, stumpage rental companies in the US IP server operators website.
In a year's time, stumpage fictitious companies Tianjin Binhai New Area to build a national forest industry transaction building "low-carbon building" project financial Jiabao experimental zone, in the form of equity financing through public advocacy to raise funds.
□ operation Insider
1 Multi-speed setting high interest investment returns on a monthly basis
Contractors, according to the case law enforcement personnel, Li and Li Ping in the absence of any item of business, the subsidiary in accordance with the specified stumpage corporate website and brochure content to investors to finance advocacy on behalf of stumpage and investment companies sign a financing contract, setting investment amounted to RMB 20,000 to 500,000 yuan of five-speed level,, ranging from tens of amount of investment, the investment period of 3 months, 7 months and 13 months. Monthly return corresponding 3%, 7% or 9% of the high interest rates. While the number of investors in accordance with the investment plan to a different level, and then turn into Recommended by introducing new investors, and the return of a commission under the new investor's investment.
With the temptation of high interest and promotion of projects in Tianjin Binhai New Area, the project has not yet listed the land Jiabao,, stumpage enterprises to absorb more than 300 million yuan of funds.
2 "Personal Tailor" suck money transaction system
Police also from the stumpage corporate website found the company produced "embrace the suck fund trading system," the system displays the development of large-scale investors to reach people called customer service centers, namely, the development of their downline smaller investors to become referees, referees offline for investors. After the investor to invest, according to on-line system to which they belong,, as well as the amount of investment scale reached, according to the preset program automatically generate bonus credited to the investor on-line customer service centers and recommended by the respective accounts.
3 Development Operations Director thousand offline
The high of a 55-year-old, is a retired city workers Mentougou, she has to live timber enterprises to invest 110,000 yuan through an intermediary introduced, becoming the illegal deposits from the public network system of the third-level director of operations, namely references. Thereafter, a high investment to build "low-carbon building" has high interest in the name, and many other friends have recommended Joe shares investment, friends and introduce other people to invest, which developed off the assembly line. At the time of incidence, network display, high on the development of a particular person offline more than 1,000 people,tiffany milano, 50 million yuan of illegal deposits from the public.
□ funding strand breaks
More than 200 million yuan can not be returned
In early 2011, stumpage enterprise with more than 3,000 million for the financing of real estate funds, Mercedes Benz, etc., but the company's home the following domestic pyramid schemes eventually appeared in the case of funds strand breaks. According to statistics, as of stumpage funds were frozen in accordance with law, the police recovered a total of Li and other people involved in bank deposit accounts 100 000 000 8 million and more than a thousand cars and other part of the property.
According to reports, in addition to part of the raised funds for stumpage enterprise rental, buying real estate and limousines, as well as wages and commission staff, the cause investors 200 million 1 thousand million can not be returned. In March 2011, according to the reports of the masses, Tianjin Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment began peace stumpage enterprise survey, Li soon, who have been arrested. After subsequent judicial accounting appraisal report issued, the company subscribed capital of 5.0 billion, but the amount of capital paid zero dollars.
April 27, 2012, the Tianjin Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment peace to transmit Mentougou police suspect involved in the case of a high clues, May 30, 2012,louboutin pas cher, it was the high of a subpoena.
Police investigations confirmed that since stumpage establishment of enterprises, in addition to lease office space, but no other operating activities.
■ about
"Deputy job is received investor"
This year 53-year-old Li from Tianjin, college education, for packaging stumpage business background, he wrote his own highly educated and high-income backgrounds on their website. Stumpage on the corporate website of his introduction to "give up paid, houses and cars in the United States, still return into the PE (private equity), currently unemployed." And he admitted after appearing in court in the description are fictitious resume ,roshe run pas cher, the truth is he only spent one year in the United States.
According to Li confessed, the company introduced the development of ways to promote its investors through friends and relatives of employees, was to attract investors can also visit our website for relevant information. "Several vice president of the company's work is usually received investors and online answers, investors understand the relevant investment information consulting, Internet and other means, the payment to the company and some direct, some via remittance payment." Lee Acer said.
Li also acknowledged that the company does not have any income, but with the return of the money back investors' initial investment and human capital income. Li also confessed that since stumpage business was established, he had frequently take guests to the financial district Jiabao to visit and learn about the many times the investment of land, but that the relevant units stumpage companies do not have enough financial strength, always the companies included in the negotiations did not object.
"Investors consequently do not know just how much care is eligible for benefits."
Another partner stumpage Li Ping confession, want to participate in stumpage investment must be on the line, if investors do not have on-line, specify a line by themselves, on-line rewarded according to 8-18% of investors to invest passengers. She sent men daily wage monthly 2,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan bonus, in addition the company also assigned to each person per month rent money more than 2000 yuan.
For Why can raise large sums of money, in addition to Ping considered specific investment projects, "Most investors consequently do not understand, only care about how much money can vote after Lee, how to recover the principal." Ping said,, large most investors do not even know what private equity funds, these people rarely consult this issue.
■ Progress
They constitute financial fraud are eligible for reprieve
Public Prosecution that stumpage companies for the purpose of public fund-raising, weaving a more strict membership structure through pyramid schemes illegal fund-raising, involving 28 provinces,, 11364 passengers, after the incident identified by our forensic accounting,, stumpage enterprises amounted to 600 million yuan fund-raising fraud 9,,000 million. Wherein the means for the return of the principal investors of more than 27 million yuan investment to pay high interest and commission of 2 people recommend $ 160 million. The actual financial fraud amounting to RMB 300 million 9,000 million. Li, Liping Deng people for the purpose of illegal possession, use of fraud illegal fund-raising methods, and the huge amount.
Last June 6,air max 90, Tianjin First Intermediate People's Court heard the case. The court held that the defendant Li and Li Ping premeditation was established by Tianjin stumpage enterprises, the financing of enterprises employ more than publicity, without any qualification,canada goose femme, the financial industry had engaged in forgery Li senior management qualifications and experience working in a foreign country, fictional Jiabao in Tianjin Binhai New Area in the financial center of the "low-carbon building" project, by the form of equity financing, to social promotion, a commitment to investors through the Internet and fixed high interest returns and brochures distributed to high recommended amount of money as bait, by way of pyramid schemes illegal fund-raising several hundred million dollars, part of a huge amount, so that many depositors lost property.
Court stumpage company mainly involved people first instance verdict, Li found guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to death, suspended for two years deprivation of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property; Ping guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to death, suspended for two years deprivation of political rights for life and confiscated all his personal property.
Currently, the high of a Chief Operating Officer has been Mentougou Procuratorate approved the arrest, the case is still under trial.
Beijing Times reporter Wang Sheng
(Original title: MLM company nearly $ 700 million fund-raising fraud)